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Saint Charles Preschool
"Sharing in the Wonder of God's Creation"
St. Charles for Four-Year-Olds
Children must turn four by September 30 to be eligible for our four year old class.

Jellyfish Class


Jellyfish Class
Our curriculum is based on the Virginia Foundation Blocks of Early Learning, as well as the Diocesan Comprehensive Standards for Four-Year-Olds. Every student has the opportunity to recognize the wonder of God’s creation through a wide variety of experiences and interactions. We emphasize concrete experiential learning through play and active engagement. Teachers guide students through early literacy concepts by utilizing Handwriting Without Tears, and work on basic mathematics with hands-on manipulatives to build on their students’ natural motivations.
In addition to their classroom time, our four-year-olds participate in weekly Music, P.E., Chapel, and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd programs.
5 morning class (Mon-Fri)*
*can be combined with full daycare
Morning classes are 8:30am-12:00pm.
Full daycare hours are 7:30am-5:30pm.
Some students of this age may be considered for placement in the Junior Kindergarten program.
Program Fast Facts
Small class sizes capped at 17 students
17:2 student to teacher ratio

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