Saint Charles Preschool
"Sharing in the Wonder of God's Creation"
The goal of the Saint Charles Preschool is to provide each child in our program the opportunity to recognize the wonder of God's creation through relationships and experiences. We embrace the fact that parents, teachers, and students are all integral partners in the educational process.
The purpose of our preschool program is to provide a secure and nurturing environment and a dedicated staff to help each child in our care to grow in faith, knowledge, and skill.
We are open to welcoming students with intellectual disabilities. Please contact the school office for more information. We are grateful to Il Porto Charities for their support of our program.
About Us

Our preschool teachers align their curriculum with Virginia's Foundation Blocks for Early Learning: Comprehensive Standards for Four-Year-Olds, developed by the Virginia Department of Education, as well as the Diocesan Standards for Four-Year-Olds, which includes a religion component and the concept of a loving God.
Teachers of younger children in the Diocese have collaborated on an adaptation of the four year old curriculum for use with our younger students.
Hours of Operation
Our hours are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. The academic class time begins at 8:30 am. The preschool morning program ends at 12:00 pm, and the Junior Kindergarten class extends until 3 pm. Lunch Bunch is offered until 1:30pm for an additional hourly fee for non-Daycare students to help accommodate parents' schedules.